
Episode 35: Let it Grow – Body Hair Stigma and the Fight against it

Grab all your pre-Christmas chocolate and cookies and listen to Liz and Bea discuss (gendered) body hair, the history of its removal and the fight against body hair stigma.

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Check our Instagram for pics: https://www.instagram.com/shewhopersisted/

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Episode 34: Menstruation Entrepreneur and PerSister Hallie Mazurkiewicz, Founder of Lunar Wild

In this episode we speak with Hallie Mazurkiewicz, founder of Lunar Wild. Lunar Wild sells curated period boxes to celebrate first periods, or to reclaim the power of your period. Hallie turned her own very positive period experience into her entrepreneurial passion and we had a great discussion about how to talk more about periods and start normalizing our discussion about women’s bodies.

Listeners can use promo-code NASTY at checkout for $10 off a period box at lunarwild.com

Episode 33: Fighting Period Poverty with PerSister Raashi Thakkar Founder of the Minte Project

In this episode Bea and Liz sit down with PerSister Raashi Thakkar to discuss her initiative to provide menstrual products and education to rural India, The Minte Project. She’s doing amazing work and you can support her by starting a chapter on your campus, or through donations.

Check out the project’s Insta: https://www.instagram.com/minte.project/ and DM her or write an E-Mail – raashi924@gmail.com – to get in touch.

Episode 32: Feminist Halloween Edition

How are you planning on celebrating Halloween this year? In this episode we discuss how to have a feminist Halloween in the era of #metoo, because there’s nothing scarier on Halloween than rape-culture.

So join us and grab some halloween candy to listen to our discussion of ways to smash the patriarchy with thoughtful non-racist halloween costumes, movies with strong female leads, and opportunities to get-out-the-vote.

Sources and Notes


Episode 29: Blood Money – Tampon Tax and Period Poverty

In the second episode of our menstruation series, we talk about the painful truth of financial discrimination based on biology. Yep, tampon tax, period poverty, the whole bloody shebang.

Get yourself a blanket, a cup of tea and lots of chocolate and listen to us talk about the high costs of menstruating.

Bonus: you’ll learn more about our vaginas than you ever wanted to know. so yay.



Episode 28: The Red Menace – Period Shame and Period Positivity

One thing that causes us pain and necessitates the consumption of copious amounts of chocolate is PMS and period pain. You know what causes us even more pain and requires the consumption of even more chocolate? You guessed it: period shame and period shaming. So, grab all of the chocolate you have in your immediate vicinity and listen to Liz and Bea talk about all things period in this first episode of our menstruation series.


(More Sources Coming Soon)

“5 Things That You Can Do to End Period Shaming.” freshiefemcare.com. Accessed August 21, 2018. https://www.freshiefemcare.com/blogs/freshie-news/5-things-that-you-can-do-to-end-period-shaming.


“11 Women Share Their Worst Period-Shaming Stories and They’re Relatable AF.” Revelist.com. Accessed August 21, 2018. https://www.revelist.com/feminism/women-period-shaming-stories/7567.


Armitage, Susie. “This Is What Period-Shaming Looks Like Around The World.” BuzzFeed. Accessed August 21, 2018. https://www.buzzfeed.com/susiearmitage/this-is-what-period-shaming-looks-like-around-the-world.

“Muslim Women Are Over All the Period-Shaming During Ramadan.” Global Citizen. Accessed August 21, 2018. https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/period-shame-ramadan-twitter-menstruation/.

Rutherford-Morrison, Lara. “8 Reasons You Shouldn’t Be Ashamed Of Your Period.” Bustle. Accessed August 27, 2018. https://www.bustle.com/articles/109730-8-reasons-you-shouldnt-be-ashamed-of-your-period.

Siebert, Valerie, and SWNS. “Nearly Half of Women Have Experienced ‘Period Shaming.’” New York Post (blog), January 3, 2018. https://nypost.com/2018/01/03/nearly-half-of-women-have-experienced-period-shaming/.

“The Disturbing Parallels Between Period Shaming and Slut Shaming.” Women’s Voices for the Earth (blog), August 2, 2017. http://www.womensvoices.org/2017/08/02/period-shaming-and-slut-shaming/.

Weiss, Suzannah. “4 Things You Didn’t Realize Are Period Shaming.” Bustle. Accessed August 21, 2018. https://www.bustle.com/articles/166788-4-things-you-didnt-realize-are-period-shaming.

Episode 27: The Snail Darter Gang – Ecofeminism and Vegan Feminism

Grab your vegan chocolate and listen to Liz and Bea (despite her heatwave-induced aphasia) talk about the origins of ecofeminism, ecofeminism and intersectionality, speciesism, the intersection of meat eating and hegemonic masculinity, meat eating and empathy and why veganism is a feminist issue.


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