witch trials

Episode 11: Life Lessons from Witches Around the World

Join Beatrice, Heather, and Elizabeth on their final installment of their October witch series. From Baba Yaga and Jenny Greenteeth to the Bell Witch and the Raven Mocker, witch-like figures from folklore around the world are discussed. The conversation turns from creepy to chilling as Elizabeth sobers the conversation with a look into women persecuted for witchcraft in South America.

Really, though, we at SWP see this episode as a how-to, real-life guide on navigating the dangers of the world. Just a few words of wisdom include: always beware of Bigfoot, don’t open the door you were told to ignore, and, as always, never enter a hut that stands on chicken legs.



Episode 10: Foxes, Magic, and Persecution – Non-European Witches

Today on SWP, join Beatrice, Heather, and Elizabeth as they discuss witchcraft and magic from a non-Eurocentric stance. From Appalachia to Australia, Africa to Japan, we cover everything from the brutality of modern-day witch hunts to Okabe the cat witch and everything in between. We have plenty of resources for you to peruse as well if you want to check out our citations. Enjoy the next installment of our witch series, and, as always, stay nasty! 😉



Episode 7: Witches’ Herstory – the persecution, the burning, the killing.

Grab your Halloween chocolate and listen to Heather explain all the things about the fun parts of being a woman in the early modern era (like not being allowed to do or say anything ever because anything can be suspect and you’re gonna get killed). Featuring merry tales of persecution, killing, burning and castration anxiety. (Yay)

Also: fitting the theme of castration anxiety and misogyny, you’ll learn a binding spell against trump, which should be part of anyone’s magical survival kit, so listen to this.

You’re welcome.

